Videotape and Audiotape Collection (WHCA)

White House Communications Agency (WHCA) videotapes: 1981-89 (6,917 items)
The WHCA collection consists of President Reagan's televised appearances on various networks. The videotapes are arranged chronologically and include speeches, press briefings and programs featuring President Reagan, Nancy Reagan and White House staff; daily news reports from major news networks, Republican and Democratic National Conventions (1984 and 1988) and confirmation hearings. The recordings were created by the WHCA staff for White House staff use and historical purposes. Viewing facilities are available at the Library and copies may be purchased. However, the majority of the collection is subject to copyright restrictions.
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General WHCA Collection Inventory:
WHCA Nightly News Summary Detailed Inventory:
White House Communications Agency (WHCA) audiotapes: 1981-89 (9,661 items)
The WHCA audio collection is arranged chronologically and consists of President Reagan's speeches, press briefings, photo ops, taped messages and other public statements recorded by White House Communications Agency staff. Also included are separate, smaller collections of Nancy Reagan statements and White House Staff press briefings and statements. The collections are in the public domain.
President Reagan's Inventory 1981-89 (Includes Downloadable MP3 Audio)
First Lady's Inventory 1981-89 (Includes Downloadable MP3 Audio)
White House Staff Inventory 1981-89