President Reagan Meets with National Security Advisor, Richard Allen, at Camp David in 1981
How Do I Cite Reagan Library Material?
Citations should identify items clearly, specify their file locations, and end with reference to the Ronald Reagan Library.
Citation examples for different collections are listed below:
For the WHORM Subject File:
Letter, Ronald Reagan to Daniel James, Feb. 6, 1984, ID #183417, ND016, WHORM: Subject File, Ronald Reagan Library
For the WHORM Alpha File:
Telegram, Daniel K. Inouye to George P. Shultz, March 7, 1985, folder "Inouye, Daniel K.," WHORM: Alpha File, Ronald Reagan Library
For Staff Member and Office File collections:
Memo, Elizabeth Dole to Edwin Meese, Sept. 5, 1984, folder "Air Traffic Control (AT 6605)," box OA 11850, Edwin Meese Files, Ronald Reagan Library
For Ronald Reagan Governor's Papers:
Public Opinion Poll, by Republican National Committee, April 29, 1968, folder "Polls: 1968 (1 of 2)," Box RS16, Research Unit, Ronald Reagan Governor's Papers, Ronald Reagan Library.
Report, "Program Standards for Early and Periodic Screening: Medi-Screen," folder, ibid, Box H27, Agency Library, Health and Welfare Agency, Ronald Reagan Governor's Papers, Ronald Reagan Library.
For Reagan Library Website:
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. "Chronology of Ronald Reagan's Presidency, 1979-89." https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/reagans/reagan-administration/chronology-reagan-presidency-1981-1989 (accessed 13 February 2023)
"Remarks on East-West Relations at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin June 12, 1987." The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/remarks-east-west-relations-brandenburg-gate-west-berlin (accessed 13 February 2023)
For Vertical File:
Use a citation format appropriate for the original publication but include [Reference Copy from Vertical File, Ronald Reagan Library]
For Oral Histories:
Audio tape, WH exit interview with Edwin Harper, July 5, 1983, Oral History – WH Exit Interviews, Ronald Reagan Library
For the Student Research File:
Memo, Fred F. Fielding to James A. Baker III, June 15, 1983, ID # 68, Student Research Files: PATCO, Ronald Reagan Library